Are you a women veteran who feels unseen and unheard? Do you struggle with finding your purpose after service? Sisters-in-Service is a podcast that gives women veterans the platform to talk about those exact issues and more. Hear from other veterans, military spouses and Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) just like you that have overcome their transition from the military. Every Tuesday this podcast encourages women veterans to stand up and be counted because as a group we have a voice. From your host - Cat Corchado - The Voice Connecting Women Veterans
Achieving Wellness Success: The 11-Minute Fitness Transformation
Setting ambitious New Year’s resolutions often leads to disappointment by mid-January. What if there was a way to change that narrative and truly succeed in your wellness goals? Join me as I share insights on crafting realistic, actionable plans that prioritize how you feel rather than just the numbers on the scale. Together, we explore the art of choosing the perfect workout days, times, and locations, and how to steer clear of burnout by making thoughtful choices. By understanding the concept of "Quitter's Day," you'll learn to focus on sustainable, feel-good fitness routines that last beyond the first few weeks of the year.
Imagine transforming your life in just 11 minutes a day—no equipment needed. The second chapter of our journey reveals how a simple, daily commitment can boost your physical health, improve your sleep, and enhance your mobility. Picture yourself moving effortlessly through everyday activities, playing with your kids or grandkids, and experiencing a newfound energy. As your movement specialist, I'm here to guide you through this empowering process. Let’s embrace the power of 11 minutes together and see how such a small change can make a significant impact on your life. Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to walking this path to wellness with you.
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Welcome to Sisters in Service podcast. Most of you know me as a strong advocate for women veterans in being recognized not only as veterans, but also as women who are changing the world through our passion of serving even after service. This podcast is my passion by telling all the stories of military brats, military spouses, active duty and veterans, not to forget the veteran service organizations that help us along our transition journey. I want to thank you in advance for listening. I hope that you will join me. Every week, a new podcast and episode comes out every Tuesday, so I hope that you will join and I hope that you enjoy. This podcast is brought to you by Small Space Pilates. Are you ready to get fit and fabulous from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than Small Space Pilates. With live online Pilates and strength training classes, a video library and a no perfection allowed policy, you can achieve your fitness goals without ever leaving your house. Click on the link for your complimentary week and start your journey to feeling fabulous today.
Speaker 1:Welcome everybody to the first episode of why Not? Wellness for 2025. Hi, you know me. I'm the freaking fabulous Kat Corchato, your movement specialist, and so what I'm going to be talking about today is, of course, the beginning of the year. We have our New Year's resolutions. Okay, don't do those, don't do New Year's resolutions.
Speaker 1:I want to talk about a way for you to figure out what your goals are for health and wellness. And so if you write down things like I want to feel better, I want to lose weight Okay, yes, those are all valid. But what if you said one goal is to get healthy and under health, you wrote lose weight, feel better, sleep better. Maybe another goal is diet, eating better. And if you're going to eat better how it has to be this I don't want to say they're just words on paper, because when you make New Year's resolutions, they're words on paper, they're kind of like eh, they're kind of like wishes I wish I could be, I wish I could be a millionaire, win the lottery. It's the same thing. But when you put goals down there, then it becomes a little bit different. So let's talk about fitness. Then it becomes a little bit different. So let's talk about fitness. And I want you to think about your body. I want you to close your eyes. Picture your body 10 years from now if you continue the way you're going.
Speaker 1:So let's say you're not working out, you're not really doing all those good things for your body. And I'm not going to say like you should, because I don't want to should on anyone, because I don't know your situation. However, I want you to understand how important it is to put down these goals and put them everywhere. Put them on stickies, put them in your car, put it good grief, we all have phones, right, put it on your phone of what you want for yourself, for you. You also have to understand you know what is your. How can I say availability? So let's say you want to start working out? Great, let's start with that.
Speaker 1:When, what day? And I suggest, if you've never worked out before, pick one day that you know pretty sure that you could do the workout. Okay, number one, what day? Number two what time. It works really well if you can keep the same day, same time. Specifically, if you're new to fitness, saturdays at 10 o'clock. Yes, please, I know what I'm doing. So you have your day, you have your time.
Speaker 1:Where Are you working out? In a gym? Are you working out at home? Are you doing a video online? Are you doing a virtual with a trainer? Because those are really popular right now and have been for a while.
Speaker 1:And if you're doing virtual or you're trying to find a trainer, then you have to put that down also how to find a trainer, where to find a trainer, how do I know a good trainer. So we tend to make these I'm just going to work out, but without the planning process. So we do not typically just say I'm going to drive from the East Coast to the West Coast and just hop in our car and do it. We plan. What are we taking with us? What are we packing? How many stops along the way? Where are we eating? Are we going to stop in a hotel? If so, when? Where? How? All the things right, we do all of that, but how come we don't do it for our fitness? How come we don't plan it out and then we get upset when we don't meet our goal.
Speaker 1:Right now I don't want you to worry about losing weight. I just want you to move. Because you guys know, I believe everyone has the right to feel good in their body. But we have become so used to feeling bad in our body we think that that's normal. Now, oh, this is the way it is. It doesn't have to be that way. So when you're planning your workout, you know do you need shoes? Do you need new shoes? Maybe you don't even have new shoes to work out in. Maybe you need to get some shoes.
Speaker 1:The other thing I want to reiterate is also understanding what equipment you might need. If you're working out at home, you're going to need some equipment. If you're working out at gym, you don't need equipment, but you probably need a trainer, specifically if you don't know what you're doing, and it's okay if you don't know. That's why you want to get an expert to help you. So I also want to tell you about a phenomenon I just found out about called Quitter's Day. You know what Quitter's Day is. It's January 10th, I know right. But what it means is that we have written things down that we think is important in our life from life changes to money, to whatever it is and we put it on a piece of paper and by January 10th, we're like, eh, and we throw it in the garbage. We don't revisit it. So that's why I don't want you to make a list.
Speaker 1:I want you to be very intentional, specifically about your wellness and your fitness. You may need support from your family Now. If your family is less than supportive. Maybe it's something you keep under wraps for at least a little while. Don't tell anybody, that's okay. Just tell people I have an appointment I have to go to. They don't have to know, it's an appointment with you, with yourself, to go work out.
Speaker 1:But when people start to see the difference in your attitude, when you start to sleep better, when you start to feel better because when you exercise, that exercise, that energy comes back to you, comes back to you Always make sure that you are eligible to work out, meaning you've been cleared by your doctor and or your physical therapist to work out, because you don't know what. You don't know, if you're on the fence, about what to do. There's so much out there. The easiest way to start is walking. It's easy, it's simple. Right, it's a little weird right now because the weather is not cooperating and it's cold, so you have to be a little imaginative. Walk around your building inside. Walk around your apartment. Walk around your cond inside. Walk around your apartment. Walk around your condo. Walk around your house. Go up and down the stairs, if you're able to do stairs.
Speaker 1:I want this year to be different for you and if you make a list, you're just going to look at one thing on the list and everything else is going to go crap. But if you just list the stuff for fitness, the things that you want for your body, so let's say it's sleep better, feel better, have more energy. Don't get caught up in the dieting and the losing weight and this and that and the other under health, under feeling better, is the losing weight, because in getting healthy, you have no choice but to lose. It's going to happen. But if your goal is to lose 20 pounds in 10 days, it's not. I'm sorry it's not going to happen and you're going to quit in the process. So, lose weight because you're getting healthier, because you're moving. Give yourself some grace If it's not happening the first week, just be consistent. That's all I want you to do is be consistent. So in being consistent, I also want to talk about the advantages of 11 minutes, 11 minute workouts, that is.
Speaker 1:If you are brand new to fitness, 11 minutes might seem very intriguing because think about it how many times have you started to work out and you go and you meet with a trainer or you meet with someone like we're going to work out for 60 minutes and you haven't worked out at all. It's a little intimidating. It's not impossible, I'm just saying it's a little intimidating. However, what if you started with 11 minutes? Now you're probably thinking why 11 minutes? Let me give you the backstory. I read an article that talked about 11 minutes in high-intensity interval training and I thought, okay, that's great. But I flipped it and I said what if 11 minutes could benefit someone who's never worked out before? 11 minutes, 60 minutes, which one? So I want you to understand that 11 minutes is about getting used to working out.
Speaker 1:The other thing about 11 minutes is that it takes your body about 10 minutes for those. The other thing about 11 minutes is that it takes your body about 10 minutes for those endorphins, those feel good hormones, to kick in where you say, wow, I feel pretty good. So there's a method to my madness. 11 minutes can be invigorating. 11 minutes is if you've been sitting all day in meetings, you get up and maybe you're just walking up and down your hallways. That's what I do when it's cold outside. Maybe you're stretching. Does that count? Yes, it does. Maybe it's 11 minutes of, you know, squatting from sitting in a chair to standing up and some pushups against the wall. The one thing I love is that you can be creative. That's what I love about the 11 minutes. Maybe it's 11 minutes of putting on your favorite dance tunes and just dancing. Is that a workout? Sure it is. Is it movement? Sure it is. Am I burning calories? Yes, I am. Be creative. So back to the 11 minutes.
Speaker 1:I do want to first invite you to have a one-on-one with me, and what I mean by one-on-one? Let's just chat, let's talk, let's find out how I can help you talk, let's find out how I can help you. Told you, my goal is for everyone to feel good in their bodies. If I can help in any way, shape or form, please let me know. I'll gladly have a conversation with you. Number two I'm doing the Keep it Moving 11-Minute Fitness Challenge, starting January 21st 2025 through the 25th 2025, just in case you were wondering, it's going to be at 6.30 pm, eastern Standard Time, for 11 minutes. If you're interested, you can sign up at wait, what is it? Oh, smallspacepilatescom backslash challenge. It's free. All you need is your email.
Speaker 1:I want you to understand how 11 minutes can change your life, how 11 minutes can make you feel better, how 11 minutes can start you to sleeping better, how 11 minutes can put you on the journey to losing weight, if that's what you want. 11 minutes to feeling better in your body, where you can get on the floor with your grandkids or your kids, and get off the floor without help, how you can sit up and stand up and sit back down without the help of using your arms or putting your hands on your thighs. 11 minutes, that's all I'm going to say. 11 minutes. So I hope that this makes sense to you. I hope that this invigorates you to say, hmm, maybe I can. It's all I want your body and your time. No weights are involved in this challenge. No equipment is necessary. Bring your body, your time and your energy. 11 minutes, so I hope this makes sense. You know me, kat Corchato, your movement specialist, signing off for now. We'll be talking soon, so until then, bye, thank you.